Make the most of Contify market and competitive intelligence platform— the latest features and enhancements
C ontify, the AI-enabled market intelligence platform has been evolving since 2009 along with the evolution of the requirements of our customers. We continuously add new features and make improvements to the platform based on the valuable feedback that we receive from our users. We also upgrade our AI-based information processing engine based on the enhancements in the underlying technologies (Machine Learning and Text Analytics).
We hope that these newest features and enhancements will help you make the most of your Contify subscription.
– Contify market intelligence platform Launches a Brand-New Mobile Experience with the Advanced Features you love
This new release brings some of the most powerful features of Contify’s Newsfeed available on the desktop version of the application to mobile, making it easier than ever to consume intelligence on competitors, customers, and industry segments on the go.
– Added eight emerging tech topics to Contify’s Standard offering
Most of Contifyʼs users — across geographies and industry sectors, are interested in understanding the impact of new emerging technologies on their own or similar businesses. We have added eight new topics such as IoT, AI, Blockchain, Big Data/Analytics, among others.
Product updates
1. Taxonomy Builder
– Download your taxonomy to an Excel spreadsheet
Enterprise taxonomy can grow fast with information. It’s important to analyze the taxonomy to have a holistic perspective before making any changes. To make this analysis easy, we have added a new feature where enterprise users can download their entire custom taxonomy to an excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet contains the name of the tag, description, tagging rules, and other helpful data for analysis.
– Taxonomy now accessible to all enterprise users in a ‘read-only’ format
The taxonomy to structure and organize all the information is the core of your Contify competitive intelligence platform. Therefore, its access was restricted only to admin users. Now, we’ve made taxonomy accessible to all users but with read-only permission. Everyone can access the taxonomy but only authorized users can make any changes to it.
2. Newsfeed
– Add multiple attachments to your uploaded information
One of the powerful features of Contify is ‘Upload Information’ that allows users to add information such as analysis reports, battle cards, competitor profiles, or benchmarking directly to the platform. This creates a common repository of information with both internal and external intelligence. Now, enterprise users can add multiple attachments to their information and tag it with the same custom taxonomy. This will appear in the common newsfeed for all the users. This information can be added to newsletters, alerts, and can be searched using not only the keywords but also the tags within the newsfeed.
Now users can apply the ‘OR’ operator between different smart filters
Smart Filters are one of the core features of Contify‘s Newsfeed and the platform. Users select one or multiple tags, under different smart filters, to narrow down the search results or to discover information based on ‘concepts’ and not just ‘keywords’. Up until now, the tags selected from different filter categories are searched as ‘AND’ operators between them. Now, users can apply an ‘OR’ between different filter categories using Advanced Search.
3. User Analytics
– Advanced Dashboard analytics for in-depth usage analysis
Get a comprehensive snapshot of how your users consume intelligence from your dashboards and workspaces in a convenient CSV export. Contify now lets you track usage metrics for each of your Dashboards and Workspaces by allowing you to monitor their Clicks and Views along with the data on the Time, Location, and Device of the user.
4. News Feed APIs
– News Feed APIs upgraded to v3.0 — New endpoints are now available!
We have released a new version of our News Feed APIs with additional endpoints:
1) Now users can filter the information by Language.
2) Responses now have the company website and logo in addition to the company names tagged with the updates.
3) News Feed APIs now comes with a dashboard to allow users to monitor their monthly usage