Use cases

  • Track competitor’s movements

    Track competitors’ movements, financial performance, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, expansion plans and job postings, to optimize your business strategy.

  • Monitor competitor's negative news

    Track negative news regarding your company, competitors, or partners to stay ahead of the narrative and leverage the intelligence for marketing opportunities.

  • Monitor regulatory compliance changes

    Track regulatory changes and corporate governance trends to ensure compliance and adopt best practices to improve business operations and corporate reputation.

  • Track business & financial performance

    Monitor competitors’ operations and financial health to identify potential gaps and capitalize on them to make informed decisions and gain a competitive edge.

  • Monitor supply chain developments

    Track information related to supply chain that could affect your product’s production cost, efficiency, or sustainability and optimize your manufacturing process.

  • Track Industry-related updates

    Monitor and evaluate industry-relevant updates to foresee challenges, spot new opportunities, and leverage them to make strategic business decisions to stay ahead.

image Ratings

  4.5 out of 5 | Contify has been rated 4.5 out 5 (stars) on G2 by its clients



Informed strategic planning

Craft strategies based on relevant updates on market shifts, competitor movements, and emerging trends to effectively position your company, capitalizing on strengths and addressing vulnerabilities.


Centralized intelligence hub

Collect and incorporate intelligence from customer-facing teams into a centralized repository for the whole organization, ensuring that strategy teams receive actionable and accurate insights.


Efficiency and

Automate the collection and organization of market and competitive intel, reducing labor-intensive efforts of gathering information manually, allowing more time for strategic analysis.


Seamless distribution

Seamlessly distribute targeted and relevant intelligence to different stakeholders using our Newsletters, integrated to existing workflows like Slack, MS Teams, Salesforce, and Email.